A downloadable game for Android

Inspired by the popular real-life arcade game, Ticket Dome.

In this game, you don't need to pay to play like you would at an arcade in the mall. This game is free to play, and you can enjoy the same experience as playing in an arcade.


  • Feels like a real arcade.
  • Embedded fruit seed theme.
  • Fun to play in your free time.
  • Future real-life rewards.

Real-life rewards in this game will only be awarded once the game is officially launched on the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.


Creator Notes

Studio: Urban Haven Nation (1 Developer) 

Engine: Unity 

Duration: 3 Weeks (Sep 2024) 


- Stevannus Lake (Creator) 

Bucket Of Tickets by Urban Haven Nation ©2024


Updated 4 days ago
Published 5 days ago
AuthorLakes Production


105_UrbanHavenNation_Umum_BucketOfTickets.apk 132 MB

Install instructions

Please use mid to high end mobile phones to avoid lag. This game will be optimized in the future for mid to low end mobile phones. Thank you.

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